Eurogamer: Amnesia Hands On
Amnesia, the new game from Frictional Games - they who brought us the Penumbra series - is due to be with us on the 8th September. I've had a play with the first third (of what must be a pretty big game), and have written up my thoughts for Eurogamer. It begins:
"I think a mark of quality in a game is whether you can return to a room you've previously been in, and know you were there earlier by the destruction you wrought. Amnesia, the new first-person adventure from Penumbra developers Frictional, does not paint rooms in the blood of your enemies, but rather in strewn desk drawers, boxes and broken glass.
And light.
Amnesia is looking to be an extremely dark game, but rather than offering you the opportunity to sneak silently in the welcoming shadows, here darkness is your enemy. It is the path to insanity."