F1 2013's Kitten-Free Launch Trailer
Effffffff onneeeeee!
I am outraged. At the beginning of this F1 2013 launch trailer, celebrating the launch of the game about cars that sound like angry chainsaws, they had a list of quotes about the game from various media outlets. I usually don't care if a thing I wrote is used, and I mostly write nonsense so it would be a brave marketing dept who'd mine my words for commercial purposes, but they had the perfect opportunity here to do something special with my previous coverage. It could have gone: "Blah blah blah!" - GamesRadar, *PHOTOGRAPH OF JOHN'S KITTEN*, "Blah blah smeh!" - Videogamer. Instead they have words and cars and not a hint of a Lucy Hermione Merida Katniss Walker*.
F1 is now out. Are you excited? Thrrrrrrillleddd? The word on the street (well, Eurogamer) is that it's very much an incremental update and that the Classics mode, an injection of seasons and cars from the 80s, almost makes it worth buying if you have the previous title. I trust Mike on F1 type things because he has a steering wheel.
What's more important is how Lucy took the news when we told her she wasn't in the trailer. Brace yourself: you've never seen a sadder kitten.
*My unofficial name for her.