Family Gathering: Brothers - A Tale Of Two Sons
I'm not sure if any of the RPS crew have played Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons yet, but it's out today and sounds like it'd be the ideal interactive experience for at least a couple of us. It's a character-driven, single player co-op game, and I'm not sure what either of those things mean. 'Character-driven' because it's about the brothers and their encounters with other people, creating moments of what I believe Professor Henry Playful would describe as ludonarrative resonance. We hear about the dissonance much more often, but occasionally these things called game do resonate along just the right axis. The 'single player co-op' part describes the mode of interaction - two characters, one controller. It'll be interesting to see how it works with the more usual PC paraphernalia. From what I can gather, the joypad controls are a pleasure to use. Trailer below.
As well as seeing lots of high scores, I've also seen people complaining that it's a simplistic adventure-puzzler with occasional sparks of brilliance. Some of the RPS crew may be less than pleased by that sort of thing. Perhaps we'll divide into Cains and Abels once we've tried the game, and sort things out with fists and fratricide.