Fifty Shades of Babe: Duke Nukem Reads E. L. James
I had been worried that Duke Nukem would never, ever make me laugh again. Then I listened to his voice actor Jon St. John reading an extract from ubiquitous rutting tome 50 Shades of Gray in character as Duke, and a multitude of recent sins were forgiven.
This happened at the recent Connecticon 2012 convention, and was orchestrated by Team Four Star, who do something I don't understand to do with Dragonball Z, which I also don't understand. Young people today, eh? Or, to be more precise, older people pursuing the interests of young people. That's ok, though - I run a gaming blog for a living, after all. Anyway, take it away Duke. Probably NSFW, presuming you work somewhere repressed and fearful.
Dunno about you, but I'm feeling aroused. It's as though it was written for him. I think we can all agree that St. John needs to voice the official audiobook.
I have no particular opinion on 50 Shades of Gray itself, bar vague bemusement as to why half the world is so annoyed that loads of women might want to read something sexy. I have, however, been wishing that every other Tweet and headline I read isn't about E.L. James' mega-selling bonkfest. Now I'm as guilty as everyone else of adding more coal to its perpetual Zeitgeist engine. I'M THE PROBLEM, NOT THE SOLUTION.