Finite: Incy-Bit Of Bioshock Infinite Gameplay
Just a quickie here. The full Bioshock Infinite gameplay footage video which I saw in August on the game's unveiling is going live on 21st. However, they gave Gametrailer TV a few short snippets in their latest show. So you can watch that, or just go to the cut-for-youtube snippet Phill found below...
EDIT: Actually, Viacom have pulled it, as it's a fragment of one of their current shows. Of course, if they actually provided an embeddable version which would link to the interesting bit of their show, far less people would be doing this. Hell, even the "chapter heading" which says it's for Bioshock Infinite needs several minutes skipping until you get there.
Anyway - here's another rip...
And a third if that goes.