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Firewatch Features Portable Tortoise

Hey there cutie

We got another glimpse of Firewatch [official site] last night during the E3 festivities. It's pretty short, but includes new footage not seen in the section we played back in March. Including, perhaps most importantly, confirmation of turtle petting. No, that’s not a euphemism.

The new trailer shows off the exploration-slash-mystery game set in the canyons of Wyoming in a new light (green!). As with all Firewatch footage, even after just 64 seconds I’m desperate to see more about the game, mostly thanks to the trailer’s sneaky cliffhanger. If your reaction is similar to mine, you should definitely check out the 17-minute gameplay video from a couple of months ago. Fair warning: You’ll end that video wanting to see more, too.

Developers Campo Santo have put together a great blog post detailing their process for putting together the stage demo for the PlayStation press conference. Including a video of how the ridiculous five-screen setup looked as the trailer ran. I'm happy to see Campo Santo get such great exposure. Firewatch is looking great and, while there's still no firm release date, I can't wait to get my hands on it and explore the Wyoming wilderness.

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