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Giveaway: 2,000 The Long Journey Home beta keys

Inspired by the likes of Star Control 2

The Long Journey Home [official site] is a space-exploration RPG inspired by Star Control 2. Think not of Elite: Dangerous's action-packed piloting and more of characters, tough decisions, and a game in which how you talk to your crew and the aliens you meet is as likely to determine events as the lasers you fire at enemies.

It's in closed beta now and we're giving away 2,000 keys to get you in.

Here's a teaser trailer of the game:

Watch on YouTube

That widget below will dispense your key in exchange for one of five possible actions: subscribing to our YouTube channel, following us on Twitter, following Daedalic on Twitter, or following The Long Journey Home on Twitter. Lastly, you can enter through Facebook, which requires you to give the Gleam app access to certain data on that site. Unfortunately we had to remove the old 'just visit a page' entry as key resellers were stealing everything for themselves.

You can also enter more than once for multiple chances to get a key, but keys are still one-per-user.

RPS Compo: 2000 The Long Journey Home beta keys

Once you've completed one of the above actions, your name and email address will be printed upon a ticket and entered into a giant, spinning perspex ball in the basement of Adam's house. The entry form above will close at midnight on Wednesday, and at that very moment the ball will begin to spin, spitting out the names of the 2,000 lucky recipients of a key. Those people will then receive an email sometime on Thursday or Friday with their key, instructions for how to play, and directions towards a secret developer Discord room just for beta players.

We won't share your name or email address with anyone else, won't use it for anything other than to send you your key, and when the names have been drawn, the perspex ball and Adam's entire house will be burned to the ground to protect your data.

Disclosure: RPS columnist Richard Cobbett is a writer on The Long Journey Home.

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