Melon-twisting puzzler Gnog is free on the Epic Games Store
Oops upside your head!
"Gnog is absolutely spellbinding and charming in its daft, joyful silliness," our former John (RPS in peace) said in his Gnog review when it finally came out last year. A big fan of twiddling and twisting and tugging heads to see the secrets they hold, that one. And in the game. Gnog hands us playful puzzleheads to open up, look inside, fiddle with, and eventually solve. The mucking-about is just as important as the solving, see. If you missed Gnog, hey, it's now the latest freebie on the Epic Games Store.
Hit the Epic Games Store to grab Gnog for free. You'll need an account to claim it on, obvs, and Epic's Launcher software to download it.
You've got until August 15th to grab that, before it becomes not-free again. Next up after this is another double-bill of freebies, Hyper Light Drifter and Mutant Year Zero. Damn, MYZ free already?
Unlike many game giveaways, by the way, Epic are paying for all of theirs out their own bottomless pockets as part of tempting customers into their substandard store.
If you dig Gnog, do also check out The Mechanic's look at how major cuts were vital to making the game shine.
Disclosure: I'm told that several members of Gnog developers Ko_op Mode once attended an impromptu birthday party in a flat where I, ever the life of the party, was asleep in another room. I stumbled bleary-eyed into the kitchen for a glass of water only to find a dozen people around a table with so very many balloons. I might think it a dream but in the morning I found a horrifying number of wrinkled, deflated balloons faces and burst loonheads. I do not know what this says about Gnog.