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Goodbye and thanks to Philippa Warr


As eagle-eared listeners to the RPS podcast might have already noticed: Pip is leaving us. She's off to join the cheeky RPS fanzine as their deputy editor. We're sad to see her go, but also couldn't be happier for her. Come, let's sing our farewells.

You can see Pip's picks for some of the most interesting writing she did for us here, but I wanted to add some emphasis to what I think are the broader themes of all that excellent work.

For me, Pip's articles have always been chiefly concerned with opening games up to new audiences and to people that might not be being served by other games coverage. You can see that in Dote Night, her original column for us, which made the most inaccessible of games and genres accessible to everyone with wit and expert knowledge. You can see that in The Great Outdoors and State of the Art, which revealed and revelled in the artistry of game creation. And you can see it in the playful way Pip wrote about every game, whether highlighting indie curios, bantering with Alice, or going for video walks.

More than most websites, RPS takes the shape of the people who work there at any given moment. RPS is going to be different without Pip writing here, but I think it's forever better for the time we were lucky enough to have her. We're proud to have published all of Pip's posts here and the many others she wrote over the past three years, and we're sure she'll continue to do great work in the future. Write to PC Gamer immediately and ask them to let Pip keep up the occasional Casualty recaps.

Thanks Pip, and farewell!

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