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Hidden Marketing Movement: XCOM

Very soon now, XCOM will launch. Much like a Skyranger emerging from an underground base it will cause people to point at it and go 'ooooo, that's spectacular', of this I am sure. But unlike a Skyranger it won't fly to a petrol station, unload a group of frightened human beings and then return home hours later with an empty hold and a pilot with a lament for fallen soldiers on his lips. Or maybe he just whistles nonchalantly and says he dropped them off at a party or at a beach resort. One without lobstermen. To celebrate the impending release, here are two videos. One uses footage of the game to make it look like a different game, while the other features lead designer Jake Solomon going undercover to sell the game. That's the one to watch.

That video is nowhere near turn-based enough for my liking. Nowhere near.

This next one though? This is great.

I want to see Peter Molyneux doing similar guerilla marketing for Curiosity.

"You guys like boxes, right?"


"Exactly. Then you're gonna love tapping boxes."

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