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Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak's First Story Trailer

I hate sand. It gets everywhere.

Imagine you live on a planet that's entirely desert. Maybe it's Tatooine. Maybe it's Arrakis. Maybe Abydos or Korriban or Kharak. You wake up every morning. It's a million degrees. You wasted all day yesterday in Toschi Station picking up power convertors, so your moisture vaporator is on the fritz. Imagine how damn thirsty you'd be.

That's about how thirsty I am for Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak [official site].

Hark, an oasis. Gearbox/Blackbird just released a new trailer for the upcoming RTS, this time focusing on the game's story. Take a look:

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I bet you can guess most of it. The planet is dying, there's a "Primary Anomaly" hidden in the middle of the desert, people go looking for it, other people are presumably already looking for it, dune buggy battles ensue.

But damn, the scale. Even if you took away the Homeworld name, you'd be able to tell this was from the same people just by the size disparity between units. Take a look at this shot:

Those two tiny purple blotches? The ones that look like you accidentally smeared jam on your monitor? They're ships, peppering the desert aircraft carrier with small arms fire. That extraordinary sense of scale is so uniquely Homeworld, I'm glad Gearbox lent Blackbird the naming rights for this prequel.

This trailer's but the barest dribble of water for my parched mouth, but at least we don't have long to wait. Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak releases on January 20, which is less than two weeks away at this point.

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