Hot Rock: Obsidian To Do New Fallout Game
News just in from Gamasutra. Bethesda's Pete Hines, speaking in London, revealed that KOTOR2/NWN2 veterans Obsidian are working on a new Fallout game going under the name "Fallout: New Vegas". The only facts we have are that it's not Fallout Tactics, Brotherhood of Steel and doesn't impact what the actual main Bethesda Fallout team are doing. Which does make the puzzle be exactly what it could be. My gut response guess would be something using the Fallout 3 engine, in a locale well away from where Bethesda are operating - perhaps, I dare say, in Vegas - and probably set in a different period. But that's just nonsense I've just made up, obv. It could be a Fallout Slot Machine Game for all I know. The comments thread is your place for speculation.