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Hoth, The DICE Planet: Star Wars - Battlefront

We know very little about Star Wars: Battlefront but it is in development and perhaps that in itself deserves mention? When EA took exclusive control of the well-tilled license, some observers no doubt feared/expected a procession of games in which Jar-Jar Binks must match three ewok faces in order to unlock new catchphrases. Fear not. DICE are taking a Frostbite of the Battlefront cherry, presumably bringing their distinctive brand of Things Blowing Up to Hoth and other such hotspots. As EA Games Label boss Patrick Söderlund told Eurogamer, "There are absolutely things in the previous Battlefront games that you'll recognise and remember, but DICE wants to put its own flavour on it...but again, it's going to be very Star Wars and very cool." I have placed a thirty second trailer below, but is it cool? Is it Star Wars?

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The wind howls. The lasers pew. The AT-AT grimaces, aware of its purpose. A foot stamping on an ice planet - forever.

Eurogamer's interview also brought confirmation that MOH: Warfighter developer Danger Close has closed its doors: "Danger Close as it was doesn't exist anymore. There are people who left LA, people who work with DICE LA, and there are some who work in other parts of EA, as always when something gets dismantled."

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