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I accidentally watched all of NXT Takeover and I like wrestling now

This isn’t about Red Dead Redemption 2!

As I’m sure you’re aware, there is a not inconsiderable crossover between people who like games and people who like professional wrestling. This doesn’t really include me, but I’ve always sort of orbited wrestling like a small confused moon, occasionally pulled closer, sometimes slingshotted away again, but never able to escape entirely.

In the early 2010s I lived with a couple of lads who loved WWE and watched Monday Night Raw religiously. I remember very clearly watching the entire drawn out debut of Fandango, and the WWE trying to push ‘Fandangoing’ as a meme. A few years later I got a job in games media and ended up working with a large man called Simon who likes wrestling so much he became a pro-wrestler. But I never really got into ‘sports-entertainment’, because it still seemed a bit rubbish. Until last weekend.

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