Intelligent Demise: The End Of Darwinia
They say you should always be prepared to kill your darlings. Darwinia creators Introversion have taken it one step forward, creating nothing short of a Darwinian snuff movie to mark their transition from little computer people to... prison architects. Yeah, that's still a little weird. But never mind. Help them celebrate this glorious new age of Not Darwinia by enjoying 2:36 minutes of burning, shooting and stabbing that really puts the 'aaaaargh!' into 'carthasis'.
WARNING: The video you are about to see contains shocking scenes of violence towards inanimate, soulless objects whose existence mocks your petty human sympathy. They are made of foam, and do not deserve your sentiment, no matter how much you imagine them writhing in agony, looking up at their creators and wishing they'd been granted lungs to scream "No! Not the drill! What did my face ever do to deserve this? We made you what you are! We only wanted your looooove!"
Via PC Gamer, to whom Introversion recently confirmed that Darwinia is now dead-dead-dead.