Now You'll See It: Invisible Inc Out Next Month
Are you afraid of Early Access? Convinced that playing unfinished titles is a waste of the slim collection of hours you call a life? Worry no more: Invisible, Inc [official site], one of the recent leading lights down in the Early Access ghetto, is very nearly finished, so you can play Klei's excellent cyberpunkish, stealth-based, turn-based strategy game in good conscience. It's out on May 12, with a bunch of new stuff and things due to be added into this release version. I realise you're all busy being sickeningly inhuman in GTA V right now so probably DON'T EVEN CARE, but as far as I'm concerned II getting finished is the best of best news.
Among the additions to the release build are a new voice over, a conclusion, more playable Agents and programs, a new enemy corporation and unspecified but exciting-sounding upgrades to graphics, UI and sound. There'll also be some cinematics, which we can get a glimpse of here:
Klei are keeping some cards close to their chests still, but here's all they've let slip so far about what'll be with us come May 12:
- Fully realized story and world, with 2 fully-animated cinematics.
All new voice over (over 1000 lines recorded!).
A massive balance pass on all the items and programs, and a few new items, augments and programs to round off the suite.
The Final Mission (dun dun dun).
3 new starting programs which vastly change your playstyle.
4 new agents, and a balance pass on existing agents, each with their own special augments and items.
A daemonic new enemy, in the new Plastech corporation.
World generation and gameplay options screen, where you can set the game up as you see fit.
Expert Plus mode -- for those who want the ultimate Invisible, Inc. challenge.
A revamped Endless mode with increasing difficulty as the days progress, up to difficulty 10 missions.
New music for every corporation, final mission, and more.
A giant upgrade to the UI, sound, FX and visuals.
One of the many reasons I love Invisible Inc is that it's always felt finished even when it was a long way from being finished. This is a clear-eyed game that knows exactly what it's doing, and now it's time to tie it all up in a bow. I've written assorted things about why I dig Invisible Inc so much, but that tyke Quinns managed to nail just why it feels so good for more adroitly than I ever could in this here video.
May 12 is going to be a very good day. Unfortunately, you now can't buy it until then - Klei are switching off Early Access sales as they want any prospective purchasers to only experience the finished game. That's kind of unusual, right? If you've already bought it you can keep on playing the most recently-released build (some 2.5 months old) if you wish, however.