Irrational Interviews The Late Kieron Gillen
Anyone remember Keiran Gillon? I'm told he used to be a writer for this site, before he upped and left to start some career writing for Whizzer & Chips or something. Well, after an age of silence his name has resurfaced, being interviewed on the Irrational Interviews podcast.
This was recorded before Kieron's shocking announcement that he was quitting Rock, Paper, Shotgun in a drug-fuelled breakdown, but it still discusses a lot of stuff about those comickybooks with which he's since picked up the tattered remains of his career.
There's also discussion about the relationship between comics and games, and the role of being a creator. You know - Kieron stuff. It's quite good.
If you're missing him, try imagining you're reading the words he's saying. Me, I'm just imagining a world in which Ken Levine would want to interview me. I'm off to cry now.