It Grimrock No Bozo, It Gold
"Everybody at the office is totally jazzed up and we really can’t keep in our pants much longer." Almost Human, you sicken me. Surely there's a less sexy way of declaring that much-anticipated indie first-person dungeoneering RPG Legend of Grimrock has gone gold? Gold as in 'finished.' I do share their excitement, however, even if it's evidenced by my brain rather than my under-trouser parts. Almost everything we've seen of this Dungeon Master-like looks exceptionally promising, and it's all been done without Almost Human having to kick any starts whatsoever.
We'll find out full launch details later this week, but all being well we can expect it in April. Someone else on RPS already has Grimrock review code, and they're not sharing. I'm going to go and burn their house down to teach them an important lesson.