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Join Magicka's Free Weekend Birthday Party

As the ice-god Wulþuz is exacting his revenge on the blasé warm bodies of Britain, it might be a good idea to sort yourself out with a game this weekend. You might get dripped on. You might nearly slip! Why even give yourself the option of leaving the house when you could be inside and away from the icy danger? You could just plug your name into Steam Roulette and see what pops up. Or, if you're not one of the 1.8 million people that bought a copy of Magicka, then you could pop over to Steam and grab the free weekend.

That's not all. There's some free DLC for everyone! Jólnir - the Crimson King's Worskshop is a challenge map where you'll fight 20 waves of beasts, with only magic and your BFFs to stop the onslaught. There's no video for the free DLC, so instead lets all remember how the advertised the game back in the annals of history. It'll involve time travel. Come along, Ponds.

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So, who has snow? And how much? And have you made a snowman, yet?

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