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Grapple Of My Eye: Just Cause 3 Announced

Out next year, with wingsuits

Just Cause 2 is a game about gravity and grappling hooks. It's what happens when Grand Theft Auto and Far Cry hook up, and make Saints Row the godfather to their bastard child. The child is baptised in a font of flame that is kicked out of a helicopter and parachutes onto the burning wing of a plane that is tethered to a lorry that is driving off a cliff while somebody stands on its roof adopting a surfer pose while shooting rockets at the moon.

A sequel has just been announced. I sincerely hope I can fire my grappling hook into the moon and swing it at my enemies like a big ol' wrecking ball. Details below.

Game Informer have the exclusive but they're not sharing too much at the moment. They've played the game at Avalanche's HQ though and reckon the parachute and grapple mechanics are "vastly improved". There's also a new toy in the form of a wingsuit. If that means I can fire a grapple at somebody while flying above them using my wingsuit and then reel them in for a hug, I might just forgive the apparent lack of moon-swinging mechanics.

I'd missed earlier fears of a free to play sequel, which were spawned by what appeared to be microtransactions in what looked like leaked screenshots. Square Enix have now confirmed that Just Cause 3 will be a "full price title for Windows PC, Xbox One and Playstation 4 scheduled for release in 2015". Of course, full price doesn't mean there won't be any microtransactions. If they do exist they might be tucked away in multiplayer, or designed to speed up unlocks, rather than to control the entire pace of the game or lock away content.

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