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League Of Legends Introduces Co-Op Play

What did we settle on as a better name for the DOTA-like games? Heroic tower-defence? Something like that. One of you had a good suggestion, I forget what it was... Presumably there is a genre name I am missing out on. Anyway! League of Legends is that kind of game, and free, which is useful, and it's being built on all the time with various updates, which now includes a co-op vs AI mode, which will be nice and reassuring for noobs like me. Here's the news, and here's a salient bit from Riot: "We’ve been hard at work augmenting our AI, allowing us to produce more and more challenging and complicated computer controlled enemies. In the near future, players will be able to experience the fruits of these labors by joining a matchmaking queue that will pair them against a team of enemy AI bots on Summoner’s Rift."

The new AIs are apparently a big step up from the existing bots, and can pull off a number of useful tactics such as "ganking mid". Which sounds despicable. (Confession: I am totally being bullied by my old Eve corpmates to play this game with them, but I am NOT doing it! They can't bully me. And I have to other very important stuff to install, like a Minecraft mod. Yep.)

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