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Legollum, Legothmog, Legolas: Lego LOTR Confirmed

This is no surprise but confirmation comes that Lego Lord of the Rings will be released in the Autumnal phase of 2012. I was quite disconcerted when the Joker started talking in a video for the next Lego Batman, which looks quite superb, but the trailer for Lego of That Ring goes even further, re-enacting scenes from the film and using the dialogue right in there. I'm not sure I like it and I hope it's just for the trailer. I like the comedic and intentionally stripped back take on the source material the previous games have presented. Watch and see what you make of it all.

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It's also probably time for everyone to pitch in about what the next Lego game would be in an ideal world. Doctor Who always seems like a popular choice. I'm going to go with Game of Thrones, or possibly Mad Men. I'd take Tintin too.

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