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Lo-Fi Let's Play Special: The (Complete) Colonel's Bequest

Leigh & Quinns Play Games

I've been doing a series of Let's Play videos exploring old adventures, text games and lost design forms from the 1980s Apple IIe and Commodore 64 era. In a time when young men shout over new action games, I will talk softly over strange old ones. Come along on a visitation of a different era that's one part meditations on my childhood, one part adventure game criticism, and one part preservation effort. Bonus: Everyone says the quiet talk, lo-fi handmade feel and keyboard tapping triggers ASMR responses. Please enjoy!

When I recently featured one of my all-time favorite adventures,The Colonel's Bequest, for a quick Lo-Fi look, I thought it might be a good idea to revisit it later in a full-length video. I suggested it, and the response was overwhelming -- you wanted more Colonel's Bequest!

I think Lo-Fi Let's Plays thrive on well-researched, quick looks. But this particular game is special to history and to me. Throughout my youth I'd always get a close friend to team up with me, side by side at the machine, and I think lots of folks grew up playing adventure games in a similar fashion. As a little Halloween present, I recruited friend and colleague Quintin Smith -- you RPS old-timers remember Quinns, don't you? Quinns doesn't like adventure games very much. He likes this one. I think.

So here it is, friends! One of my favorite murder mysteries, warts and all. Quinns and I aim for the rank of Super Sleuth. We don't quite make it. Please enjoy, and don't eat any candy from strangers this weekend!

The entire Lo-Fi Let's Play series is available and regularly updated at my YouTube channel if you'd like to subscribe, but my friends at RPS are graciously syndicating them here from now on, with some additional written analysis and commentary.

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