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"What did you do during the great bundle wars of Winter 2011, daddy?"
"I posted about them, sweetheart. I posted about them all. I... I've seen so much. I'll always carry that with me."

We already know about pay-what-you-want charity bundle LittleBigBunch, but until 2pm today we weren't able to so much as look at its website. Now we can, for it lives and is live. It's a grand old package of PC games - Frozen Synapse, Explodemon, Serious Sam Double D, Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee and New Star Soccer 5. A pleasantly varied package, I'd say.

Unlike other bundles, not a penny of your self-selected amount of cash goes towards the bundle providers (who in this case are digital distributors GetGames). All of your payment goes to the games' developers and excellent charity GamesAid, which corrals the games industry to raise money for and otherwise support children and young people in the UK.

You just pick how much goes to each. Hooray for philanthropy/making indie developers a little more comfortable. FYI: FZ, Explodemon and Munch are DRM-free, while Soccer entails and activation key and Sam has Steamworks DRM.


GamesAid trustee and Eidos life president Ian Livingstone OBE: "This is a great initiative for GamesAid and I would like to say a massive thanks to the indie developers who have kindly put their games into littleBIGbunch. These are great games and I am sure littleBIGbunch will be well received by gamers everywhere."

Miles Jacobson OBE GamesAid co-founder and Sports Interactive bossman: "GamesAid is a uniquely democratic charity and this method of making these great games available follows those values. Hats off to Get Games and the devs for making this happen."

LBB will run until January 2nd, so you've got a little while.

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