Team Fortress 2 Film Live And Let Spy Is 20 Minutes Of Fun
Spy stabs, soldier 'splodes.
It seemed initially like the Source Filmmaker community might be content to make only short and silly videos, but there's now a growing selection of long and silly videos starring Team Fortress 2 [official site] characters. The one that's making the rounds today is The Winglet's Live and Let Spy, a 20-minute epic that starts out with sneaking but escalates until chaos erupts. Watch it below.
For a fan project, this is absurdly well-made. It's not quite got the hand-crafted animation polish of, say, my beloved and Valve-approved End of the Line, but there's no single moment where it looks bad, either. It's also one of the few community-made TF2 shorts I've seen that manages to use the game's class dialogue in a way that doesn't feel stilted or awkward, bar possibly that one word where I think the Spy talks in the Demoman's voice.
Really, I'm nitpicking: this is good, and absurdly so when you consider it's made almost entirely by a single person over the course of six months. Using free software! And it's free to watch! What a world. Look at this cool poster for it, too.
If you like it, maybe also try the rougher, shorter previous entries in The Winglet's loosely related "Fedora Chronicles".
Thanks, PC Gamer.