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Lost Planet 3 Footage Raises Some Eyebrows

For those folks who would add themselves to a list entitled "got a kick out of the Lost Planet games", of which I would be one, this video of the third game in the series will raise some eyebrows. Mine are raised right now. The reason for this is that while Lost Planet 1 was pretty, but a bit rubbish, it was a commendably over-the-top sci-fi action romp. Lost Planet 2 did more with co-op, and threw in some utterly absurd alien monsters and sci-fi situations for us to brawl with. Lost Planet 3 however, well, it seems to be heading away from bonkers alien-thumping action adventure, and towards survival horror and, more specifically, Dead Space. A rather cold Dead Space. Obviously the footage shown by Capcom Germany, which you can see below, is far from representative of what the full game will entail - these images certainly tell of mega-aliens - but the pace and tone here is certainly not evidence of the kind of craziness that made the first two games stand out, even if it is very pretty indeed. Go take a look. Go on!

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Yes it's in German. But if you don't speak German try squinting with your ears, and might just be able to make out the meaning.

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