Meet The Operation Raccoon City Teams
Where are the Craigs and Johns and Alecs and Adams and Jims? Capcom wants you to get to know the people that'll be stalking the streets in their Left 4 Dead-ish multiplayer shooter, Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City. Their first defence against the undead: they're too busy laughing at their names to bite them.
“Lupo”, “Vector”, “Bertha”, “Spectre”, “Four Eyes” and “Beltway” are being hunted by “Dee-Ay”, “Willow”, “Harley”, Party Girl”, “Shona”, and “Tweed” through the streets of Raccoon City, as both teams have to contend with the years of psychological torture their names brought them at school. And zombies I guess.
It has no confirmed PC release date, but I'm intrigued. I like the idea of one team heading off the other team, but having to deal with the same problems gnawing at their knees.