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Metal Gear Solid 5 On PC. Woo?

There isn't much love for most of the MGS series in Castle Shotgun, but of course it has its fans and they're totally entitled to that, regardless of the fact that we'll eventually round them up and drown them all in the river. The news that the upcoming new'un, MGS: Rising - which apparently stars some half-robot ladyboy or something - is departing its traditional Sony-only shores for the PC (360 too) is a little surprising, though. I don't believe we've had a Metal Gear since a port of number 2 yonks ago, so it's odd for it to suddenly come back now.

I guess Rising is a new age for the series, seeing as it doesn't star Solid Snake this time around and lacks a number in the title (I insist on giving it one nevertheless, because I'm an idiothole like that). All that cutscene jaffery might well drive me spare, but it's always a happy day when the PC gets treated to something it's normally denied. We don't get much Konami stuff around these parts, so hopefully this is the first of many. Some footage'n'that below, if you're curious.

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That means literally almost nothing to me. Apparently Raiden... is baaaaaack, however. One of these days I should probably just head over to Wikipedia and work out what the hell MGS' labyrinthine plot is about now, but frankly I'm a little scared to do so.

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