More Like Dungeons Of DredMOD
I'd gladly welcome another expansion pack for Dungeons of Dredmor and I gladly shall when the next one arrives in the near future. To add to the glad, it'll be free as well, having been constructed with "the cooperation of a handful of the Dredmor community’s top modders". It's not slight and full details of the contents are below. Not content with welcoming the mod community into their home, Gaslamp Games are also serving tea and biscuits, or at least that's how I interpret the news that modding will now be integrated with the Steam Workshop. Mods for all, mods of all stripes, and also biscuits for those who would like them.
At the minute they're calling it 'You Have To Name The Expansion Pack' and maybe that's what they'll be calling it for the next seven hundred billion minutes as well. Here are the details:
Steam Workshop; mod integration with Steam! We’re turning it on! It’s Steamy!
Battle Geology, a wizard-like warrior skill with earth-shattering consequences by the terribly mysterious Null (how mysterious? terribly.)
Clockwork Knight and Rogue Scientist, a pair of crafty steampunk skill lines by the too-clever-by-half Ruigi
Warlockery, the wizard skill for wizards who would rather by warriors, by the utterly mad Essence — he wrote over 500 lines of xml for one spell.
A mess of twisty little rooms, all different, created by the deranged architect our mortal speech renders “Bergstrom“; The geometry is all wrong.
And to inhabit the renovated Dungeons of Dredmor we’ve summoned a pack of new monster variations dug up by one FaxCelestis, from the existentially troubling Poorly Cloned Hero to the lofty Diggle Rocketeer.
Naturally there are some new items and other such nonsense happening which you’ll have to discover on your own.
There's no release date but the words 'very soon' are italicised on the newspost over at Gaslamp, which means it's probably less than a year away.