Morri-gone: Dragon Age - Inquisition
Dragon Age: Inquisition won't be out until Autumn 2014 at the earliest, but that doesn't mean we can't poke through the nuggets of information emerging from within the extended development cyclone. In the last week, two significant gobbets of information have emerged from Bioware's lair. The first, as alluded to in the headline, is the news that Morrigan won't be a party member, although that's not to say her witchy ways won't have a place in the game. The second piece of news wasn't really news at all to me - Inquisition will contain multiple playable races. I didn't realise that was a thing that might not be happening but confirmation came in a Game Informer interview.
I assume it's the single playable character/race in Dragon Age 2 that had led to the need to confirm the same wasn't the case in Inquisition. That limitation seemed like a necessity for the game's specific story rather than a new series staple, so the return of playable elves and dwarves (at least) isn't a great surprise.