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Nature's Gonna Hate: Shelter

Sometimes, when Countryfile is on the telly and I'm lamenting the concrete meadows to which I am bound, I think of the wolves that once roamed Albion's forests and I weep. None of that's true, of course - I'm too busy watching Bogart-wrinkled noir to let Countryfile invade my screen. I do miss Wolf though. Not enough games show an interest in animal behaviour, and the reds and greens of nature. Three cheers for Shelter, then, which casts the player as a badger with a family to care for: "As the mother of a litter of cubs you are forced out from familiar and safe surroundings to find new shelter in a beautiful, but dangerous world. The harsh reality of nature plays a pivotal role in the game whilst at the same time Shelter aims to pay a homage to the great outdoors and all its imposing beauty." Trailer in the den, below..

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Shelter is in development at Might and Delight, previously responsible for Pid.

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