How to repair equipment in No Rest For The Wicked
Here's how to repair weapons and armour in No Rest For The Wicked
Looking for how to repair equipment in No Rest For The Wicked? No Rest For The Wicked has a challenging durability system that will penalise you every time you die. Your equipment will gradually degrade each time you respawn in the game.
Join us as we go through the steps for repairing weapons and armour in No Rest For The Wicked and what materials you'll need to do so.
How to repair equipment in No Rest For The Wicked
If you've received the dreaded message that your weapons or armour have broken in No Rest For the Wicked, you have a few options available for fixing them.
First, you'll want to speak to a Blacksmith and pay them for their repairing services. Luckily there is one called Fillmore located within the Mess Hall in the Mariner's Keep.

To get there, you'll need to first retrieve the Mess Hall Key. We found it on a body on the map location above.
To get there, head towards the large makeshift bonfire in the centre of Mariner's Keep, move right past the Mess Hall and around a little alcove. Here, there is a corpse lying on a wooden platform with the key.
Once inside the Mess Hall, kill the soldiers bothering Fillmore and speak to him to access his repairing services. You'll have the option to 'Repair All' equipment or 'Repair Equipped' pieces in return for coin.
You can also repair a small amount of durability when using Repair Powder. A small bottle of this will add 50 durability to all equipped items. You can find Repair Powder in various chests or breakable barrels in No Rest For The Wicked. Loot, however, is randomised so it's down to luck whether you will receive any or not.
Durability system explained
If - like us - you've died a lot in No Rest For The Wicked you'll notice that every time you respawn at a Cerim Whisper your armour and weapons will degrade more and more.

If you have taken enough damage to either your weapons or armour, you'll get a little symbol in the bottom left corner of your screen of armour and weapon pieces in different colours.
The colours show how much damage has been taken. Yellow means moderate damage, orange is serious damage and red means the damage is critical and equipment is ready to break.
Even if a piece of equipment fully breaks, it can still be repaired by a Blacksmith.
That rounds off our guide to repairing equipment in No Rest For The Wicked. Now you should be all set to tackle foes with your weapons and armour in tip-top shape. For more No Rest For The Wicked tips and tricks, see our guide to the best stats to level up first in the game.