Not For Squares: Cube World Is Pretty
I've just come up with this amazing idea for a game! Ready? So, you have this procedurally generated world, entirely made of cubes. And you can hit them with tools, and build them. And there are mines. And crafting... Oh, but I'm being a cynical one. It's not as if Minecraft was the first to do it. And Cube World is doing something pretty different. And something pretty. The gorgeous-looking cuboid game is primarily an RPG, and with that in mind developer Wollay has just added quests, which he proves in the video below.
Unfortunately, unlike Minecraft, Wollay isn't offering his game's early stages for people to play. In a quaint, olde-worlde notion, he's finishing it before releasing it. But you can look at quite how lovely it is and wish.
And here's the video he released for Christmas, while we were all sleeping curled up in the soft fur of Horace's belly.