Numberwang: Portal 2 Part 2. And 3.
Drip, drip, drip. There's going to be seven parts of this in total, so you might want to wait until next March, or whenever they're finished, to watch the whole lot in one go. S'pretty though. Don't think we need to worry that Portal 2 will be a) brief or b) just another collection of levels. They're really going for it, as my second great-great-grandma three times removed used to say about the local goat-herders.
First up, Excursion Funnels. No, not the Eurostar, but a way to turn portals into a sort of anti-gravity conveyor belt. Includes a companion cube-alike, but without the love:
Next, Faith Plates. Or "jump-pads", as good ol' uncle Quake used to say. Looks like they'll lead to plenty of exhilarated, death-defying panic:
Jumpy mega-fun, but... these clips are far too short, yes? From hereon in, better to do a round-up once it's all finished, I suspect.