On Patrol: New DC Universe Trailers
DC Universe Online (I really want a crossover game where you can fight DC Universe Online characters against Marvel Universe Online characters) has released a new trailer/interview that goes into a few details about the game in general. There's an explanation of how you can pick between your own from-scratch hero, or a mimic of a favourite DC character, as well as all sorts of in-game footage, and some info on missions. This is all explained by Sony's global brand manager, Deby Sue Wolfcale, which totally sounds like the name of a superhero's alter-ego.
So apparently they're still working out how they're going to make the PS3 controls the same as all other games'? Um. Anyway, there's also a couple of gameplay trailers. This first one shows a battle in full swing:
And this second one shows a battle in no swing at all: