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OpFlash: Dragon Rising Preview On EG

I had a look at Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising the other day, and then happened upon the notion of writing down what I saw and publishing it on an international gaming website. And so it came to be that Eurogamer has a couple of thousand words of details as well as interviewy gobbets with lead AI man, Clive Lindop. It goes,

"First and foremost, the scale of the game needs to be expressed. Dragon Rising presents a 135 square mile island, with an engine offering a draw distance of up to 35km. This isn't an exaggeration - we've seen it with our own eyes as a Cobra helicopter rises above the hills to reveal the extraordinary vista. The new engine is designed to allow a great deal of stuff on screen at any one time, which is essential for one of the game's most distinctive features: shooting people from miles away."

And carries on over here.

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