Orc Aye, They Must Die: Trailer
Orcs are having a hard time these days. Persecuted everywhere they go and thrown into games and films as the epitome of evil. They just can't catch a break - they are the poor victims of a McCarthyesque witch hunt. Also, they must die. Robot Entertainment says so. Dan Gril went and had a look at Orcs Must Die earlier this year and found it to be good, if lacking a little complexity. It looks like Robo-Ents is addressing that problem and adding a lot of traps, which you can combine in any number of ways to hopefully create merry carnage. Trailers after the jump. So go on. Jump around.
Fire. Man's oldest and wisest friend. Here are some slightly older trailers that we haven't posted yet but are still very silly and fun and make you feel nice inside when filthy orcs die. You monster.
Had enough? Good. Off you pop.