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Play On RPS' Passworded Brink Servers

We've got a UK server in London and a US server in Chicago. And we're going to have some evenings manshoot on there. More details below.

Now, my experience with us having servers is that they are either full of randoms, so we can't get RPS people on, or we have the passworded and they end up empty. So what I am going to suggest is that we have them passworded by try and keep the momentum up for RPS Brink players. So here are the server details:

Password is: hello


[Servers are both provided for the RPS community by Multiplay.]

How to keep us playing together? Well, I'm going to post up event reminders on the Steam group event thinger over the coming days, and I'll try to get onto the server tomorrow and saturday night for a bit of play. If you are signed into Steam, of course, you'll see these events come up and you can be sure that you are playing with RPS types. Hopefully it won't come across as too spammy.

We don't have a dedicated Brink voice server at the moment, but I'll try and sort that out soon. Maybe we'll get some really good games going on.

See you on there!

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