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PowerWash Sim's Warhammer 40K crossover arrives next week, and the new trailer is very funny

Cleanse the dirt heresy!

A member of the Machine Cult fires up a powerwasher in PowerWash Simulator's Warhammer 40K DLC trailer
Image credit: Square Enix

My experience with Warhams isn't flat zero - I had some minifigs when I was a teenager and played a few of the Dawn Of War video games - but I haven't actively checked in on it for a while. I know enough to make "[x] for the [x] throne!" jokes, basically. My experience with cleaning-stuff-sim PowerWash Simulator is extensive, though, and I was excited when the crossover with Warhammer 40K was teased a while back. Last night we got a full trailer and release date of Frebruary 27th - next week! - and I'm now earnestly very excited. The trailer is both very funny and shows off massive things to clean. Win win, innit.

The trailer really knocks it out of the park, with a growly and played-straight voiceover extolling the majesty of cleaning big war machines for the Imperium ("Imperial engines adorned with filth, a testament to their glory!"). The drop ships and mechs, normally rendered as tiny little models as you survey the whole battlefield, do have an extra sort of wow factor when you look at them a as a PowerWash Sim level and, as a seasoned washer, mentally tot up how long it would take to clean it, and what the best approach would be.

They have the insignia of different units and stuff too, which I imagine will be a treat for proper fans like e.g. Henry "Vitamin H" Cavill. The tone of the voiceover script is extremely funny but warm and good-natured regarding the source material, too. It's laughing with Warhammer, not at it, which is of course key to not being a dick when writing jokes. "An act performed in dutiful veneration of the Omnissiah carries glory, whether by power armour, or powerwasher." Indeed my friend, indeed. It's a natural crossover really, as the Blood God may desire blood, but it is one of the most stubborn stains (IKnowTheChaosMarinesAren'tPartOfTheImperiumPleaseDon'tLeaveAComment).

Here we see members of the Machine Cult using the MK 2 Aquasantica Arquabus to clean their war machinesWatch on YouTube

The team at FuturLab have a proven track record in doing crossovers very well. The Tomb Raider pack had both great things to clean and good Tomb Raidery jokes, the Final Fantasy one made me care about and kind of understand a huge game I have no relationship with, the Spongebob pack just, like, rocked, and I only recently finished the Back To The Future DLC pack, which was extremely cute and had an interesting framing. Long may it continue. Look out for the Warhammer 40K DLC pack on the 27th of February.

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