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Pretty puzzler Rime is out now

Rime time

I've already had the pleasure of playing through Rime [official site] from beginning to end (reviewing it for *ahem* another publication). I loved everything about it: the clean puzzles, the sense of exploration, the soft cel-shaded visuals and – most of all – the subtle story. It's out now, so you can experience it too.

It's a relatively simple platform-puzzler in which you, a young boy, explore a deserted island. The beauty is in its subtle sense of narrative: I wasn't really sure what it was all about until the last of its five chapters. Then, the context of the whole game dawned on me, and it was incredibly moving. I wasn't expecting it at all.

The island is also drop-dead gorgeous. Here's some of the screenshots I grabbed on my way through:

Rime screen 1

Rime screen 2

Rime screen 3

Rime Screen 4

Rime Screen 5

That said, it's been criticised for a lack of originality with its puzzles and platforming. And that's probably fair: if you're a fiend for mechanics, you might not love it as much as I did.

Some users are also experiencing pretty troubling technical problems, with big drops in frame rates and stuttering in some parts of the game. Others are reporting that disabling SSAA will do the trick, while for now the developers suggest that turning off vsync should solve the issue in most cases.

For what it's worth, I had a few frame rate drops in particularly dense areas, but nothing that affected my enjoyment of the game.

It would be a shame if the issues persist and put players off, because to me this is an absolute must-play. It's on Steam for £29.99.

Here's the launch trailer:

Watch on YouTube

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