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Silent Hills' P.T. Hallway Hits PC In Fan Recreation


Calgary-based developer Farhan Qureshi has racked up roughly a lifetime's worth of nerd cred by recreating the hallway from malaria dream horrorshow P.T. - the teaser for the potential Kojima-directed Silent Hill game that will now never be.

Good news for those of you who have been experiencing the cruel shakes of withdrawal since the original demo was removed from yer PS4. The remake is a one-man effort from Qureshi who describes his work and toil thusly:

"I started this project for a 3D modelling workshop I'm teaching for a game developer group here in Calgary," writes Qureshi on his portfolio. "Originally I wanted to create an apartment scene for its simplicity, variety, and familiarity, but I wanted something more game-focused as the workshop is being targetted at the Calgary Game Developers. I ended up choosing the PT hallway as it’s an interior scene fairly close to an apartment, and the simplicity, variety, and familiarity still exist. Plus it's no longer available to download, but I can make it live on in some fashion by doing this. At first I just wanted to make the P.T. hallway, then started adding sounds and... other things out of obsession."

It was all put together in between his work schedule as a dishwash, but Qureshi's eye is to the horizon - he's hoping to find a job in game development, he says. "In total I've spent about 104 hours over four weeks making this, and I'm happy / burnt out enough to stop here," says the poor guy. Ain't a bad step forward.

Qureshi explains how exactly he remade the hallway so meticulously - from the coils on a telephone to fully recreated character models - on his website. You can download it from Itch.

You might also want to have a peek at Allison Road, an upcoming P.T.-inspired horror game.

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