No, Ryelly: Dead Island Devs Announce Pure Farming
Wellies wellies well!
Techland, the Polish studio behind high-action first-person shooters including Dead Island, Call of Juarez, and Dying Light, have announced they're making a farming simulator. Pure Farming 17: The Simulator [official site] will be a serious farm 'em up, no zombies or nothing as far as I know. Though I do believe that techno-organic monster teased in the announcement trailer, as shown ↑ up top, may be the final boss.
Pure Farming 17: The Simulator is being made with Ice Flames, a Polish studio I can't say I've heard of before. I suspect it's more an Ice Flames project than a Techland one - though we're not sure what Techland are working on. Techland aren't saying or showing much before Pure Faming's big reveal at Gamescom, which starts on August 17th, but here are some teasing words from producer Kornel Jaskula:
"We realize there are a lot of farming sims out there already, but the more we looked the more we realized they all seemed to fall short on certain features or ideas that are actually integral in real farming. And the fans have been saying this for years, telling developers what they would love to see included. With Pure Farming, we're aiming to be the ones who deliver on what has been missing all these years."
I'd like to see farming simulators with dry stone walling, lambing, homebrewing, and long walks on frosty mornings. I'm sure that's what they're talking about.
I am interested in a farming sim being made by (or with) a studio who have some experience in making big shiny games. The big games in the genre have that smack of, ah y'know, janky budget software you'd find on a carousel near the checkout at Electronics Boutique. Where's the Arma of farming sims? Heck, where's the Call of Juarez: Gunslinger?