Gold! (Gold!) Farming Simulator 15 Expansion Released
Harvest time
Farming Simulator is a triumph of earnestness. I've known a few people who gave it a try because it was a kooky ironic gag for a while, with all those montage parody videos, only to discover they actually quite enjoyed simulating farming. Stick that in your vapewand and smoke it, 'irony'. If you too know the pleasures of tilling virtual soil and want more farms and more farming, you may now sow your seed further afield.
The 'Gold' expansion for Farming Simulator 15 [official site] launched today, bringing a new Eastern European farm and oodles of new vehicles.
Not being a virtuafarmer myself, I'm not wholly sure what to say or what's expected or wanted in a Farming Simulator expansion. Its new farmland is inspired by Eastern Europe, and glimpses of it in screenshots and trailers look pretty nice! As for the new farming tools, they include vehicles and equipment from companies with great names like ROSTSELMASH and ZETOR - full list is here.
The expansion will cost you £12 on Steam and from the devs and whatnot. For £170, you can get the base game, the expansion, and the official wheel, pedals, and control panel peripherals. If you're going that far, I do hope you'd also slip on a pair of mud-caked wellies while playing. Pop a few ice cubes into some gloves to simulate those bitter Highland mornings. Put your computer desk in a big paddling pool with a few inches of soil, freshly-cut grass and grains, manure, and vinegary silage.