Quantum Conundrum Activates The Demo Dimension
So Alec declared the wonderfully whimsical Kim Swift's (which makes her sound like some kind of circus magician) Quantum Conundrum "that most maddening, saddening breed of videogame – the Almost Success." But what does Alec know? Maybe he accidentally clicked on James Bond: Quantum of Solace or a quantum physics lecture instead. So clearly, the only solution is to take it for a test drive yourself. And now, you can do that with a freshly fluffy demo that's emerged from Steam's magical vapors. But, uh, you may not learn quite as much as you're hoping.
Problem is, it's a demo that takes place really early in the game, and you only get to mix and match dimensions on a couple puzzles. Beyond that, it's just the basics of "this dimension does this, this other dimension does that." I mean, fluffy and heavy are pretty well represented, but slow-mo's segment is basically on autopilot, and anti-grav doesn't show up at all. Meanwhile, Alec's main quibbles with Quantum Conundrum arose when dimension-shifting powers combined their, er, powers to form the mighty Difficulty Spike of legend. And then the professor never stopped repeating himself and everyone was sad forever.
So this demo will give you a general idea of what makes Quantum Conundrum tick, but don't expect the full version to frolic along at the same pace. Even so, it's well worth a try, seeing as - while it might not quite reach the heights it's shooting for - Quantum Conundrum is at least powered by an impressively large selection of smart ideas. So go fire lasers at safes and stuff. That is what I wish of you on this day.