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Time, Space, Fluff: Quantum Conundrum


Now that's out of the way, let's all drool over Kim Swift's upcoming Quantum Conundrum, which looks like what a computer game would look like if Pixar made computer games. That's just a fact rather than a wild, hastily decided upon and ill-conceived opinion based on eight minutes of footage shown at CES 2012 and narrated by Kim. Now that I mention it, I did just watch just such a video and decided that anyone who didn't have a massive grin on their face for at least half of it was probably a pod person. Now, smile. I expect to see the rictus grin of a terrified corpse when I observe you all through my periscope momentarily.

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I can't tell which bit I like the most, but it might well be the bit with the collapsing blocks that become a bridge. As well as being an elegant solution, there's a fantastic glance back at the curvature of the bridge which highlights the unreality of the situation rather beautifully.

Also enjoyable is the brief glimpse of Professor Engelbert Felinestein Tupsbury.

A great man

That may not be his real name but it's what he went by when I met him in a smoke-filled bar in Malaysia those many years ago.

Quantum Conundrum doesn't have a firm release date but the last I heard was Q1 2012. So, soonish I suppose.

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