Time, Space, Fluff: Quantum Conundrum
Now that's out of the way, let's all drool over Kim Swift's upcoming Quantum Conundrum, which looks like what a computer game would look like if Pixar made computer games. That's just a fact rather than a wild, hastily decided upon and ill-conceived opinion based on eight minutes of footage shown at CES 2012 and narrated by Kim. Now that I mention it, I did just watch just such a video and decided that anyone who didn't have a massive grin on their face for at least half of it was probably a pod person. Now, smile. I expect to see the rictus grin of a terrified corpse when I observe you all through my periscope momentarily.
I can't tell which bit I like the most, but it might well be the bit with the collapsing blocks that become a bridge. As well as being an elegant solution, there's a fantastic glance back at the curvature of the bridge which highlights the unreality of the situation rather beautifully.
Also enjoyable is the brief glimpse of Professor Engelbert Felinestein Tupsbury.
That may not be his real name but it's what he went by when I met him in a smoke-filled bar in Malaysia those many years ago.
Quantum Conundrum doesn't have a firm release date but the last I heard was Q1 2012. So, soonish I suppose.