Rainbow Six Siege unleashes a week of sparkling unicorn chaos
Tachanka feels pretty today
While normally a hellish day filled with corporations toying with hearts, April Fools has some perks, like this week's Rainbow Is Magic event in Rainbow Six Siege. Ubisoft have given the Plane map in the gritty tactical squad-shooter a Lisa Frank makeover. Hot pink unicorn and butterfly-themed operators and a handful of hard plastic toy soldiers fight for control of the VIP (Very Important Plushie), as you do. This event runs for a whole week, up until April 8th, and there's a collection of hot pink-with-sparkles gear to permanently earn. Below, a trailer for this gleeful nonsense.
Sadly this event is limited to a special playlist with one map and a subset of playable operators, but they've clearly put in a lot of time and effort into making the aesthetic consistent. The almost-but-not-quite copyright infringing sparkling pony illustrations on the inside of the plane are especially good. Four operators - Blackbeard, Montagne, Smoke and Tachanka - get the full magical unicorn get-up. Ash, Thermite, Thatcher, Sledge, Castle, Kapkan, Bandit, Frost, and Recruit have been turned into plastic soldiers to fill out the roster a bit.
As an aside, it's nice to see Ubisoft's Steam announcement page for the event referring to Tachanka by his proper title: Lord.
In other silly event news, medieval stable-mate For Honor has been invaded by the Rabbids, Ubisoft France's obnoxious, screaming (but oddly likeable) mascots. For one day only, but it's good for a laugh. The grunt soldiers have been replaced with screaming cartoon lagomorphs that are amusingly replaced with roast chicken when they die. There's some antics happening in the menu screens, too.
Both the Rainbow Is Magic and Rabbid Invasion events are live now, with the former running until April 8th, and the latter today only. Check out the official Rainbow Is Magic page here.