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The Rock, Paper, Podcast: Enter The Cyberzone

We measure weeks differently

Gosh! Such a lot has happened since last episode of the weekly Rock, Paper, Shotgun podcast. It's almost hard to comprehend how so many events could happen in just seven days. Luckily, John, Jim and Graham have chosen just the most important happenings to talk about on the episode itself. Topics include Jim's thoughts on Lichdom: Battlemage, Graham's thoughts on Brigador, John's thoughts on a game he can't name yet.

Come, step below to listen and rejoice. We're great at this.

Also discussed this week is the very recent release of Watch_Dogs, the more recent release of Mountain, how Early Access has made game releases less exciting, the favourite things we've played this year, Cyberzone and the career of Craig Charles, and more.

Download your own personal copy by right-clicking and choosing 'Save as' here, subscribe via iTunes here (and if you could leave a nice review that would be nice, nice, very nice) or browse non-iTunesised former episodes of the Shotcast here. And as requested, here's an RSS feed.

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