Have You Played... Roundabout?
Spin spin sugar
Have You Played? is an endless stream of game retrospectives. One a day, every day of the year, perhaps for all time.
Roundabout [official site] is the game about a chauffeur and limousine. The limousine is constantly spinning, which makes navigation difficult, and the live action cutscenes are sweet, funny and a bit Wes Anderson.
Like the recently released Slayaway Camp, Roundabout is proof that if a puzzle game is attached to a strong enough thematic or narrative hook, I'll push through my struggles against all of puzzlekind and learn to enjoy it. Just think, all the makers of Kuru Kuru Kururin needed to do to win my approval is tell a cool love story with a backdrop of weirdness. And set the whole thing in and around a spinning limousine.
Next up, someone reinvent Tetris as a sci-fi epic. Oh, wait...