Sail Away: Sea Of Solitude Looks Fab
Become a monster
The more time I spend in a pond, the less I want to leave it. I'm at my happiest in the murky waters, gently going numb. I've been called a mermaid a few times for staying in so long, and sure okay the blue hair too. I wish I could stay there, become some kind of aquatic creature.
So I'm awfully interested Sea of Solitude [official site], an episodic game about a woman who becomes a monster in a flooded world. It's still in prototype form but looking oh so pretty.
She does have a boat, granted, which is a bit of an amateur move really. Why become a monster in waterworld if you're not a sea monster? The site explains, "When humans get too lonely, they turn into monsters." Oh. She's not the only monster there, mind.
Developers Jo-Mei games say to expect exploration, puzzles (I spy physics puzzles!), actions, love, and good old solitude. This fine Time article on Wild and the power of solitude had me kicking myself for missing the movie at the cinema. Solitude can be a wonderful thing.
I wish I could tell you when Sea of Solitude might arrive or could play it or could, heck, know really much of anything about it, but I suppose for now I'll simply coo over the animated GIFs on its site. (I haven't embedded any because I know they can crush computers.) What a thing to look at!