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Saints Row 3 Confirmed For Autumn

I wield a lot of power. What I'm saying is, you should fear me. I was only bemoaning the lack of Saints Row 3 confirmation a couple of weeks back, and THQ instantly leapt into action. "Volition!" they screamed. "Walker needs the third instalment! WORK HARDER!" And so it is, with the news that a third in the anarchic and puerile series will be with us this Autumntide. THQ CEO Brian Farrell told listeners to a conference call,

"Volition is setting a new bar for this outstanding franchise and we look forward to unveiling this game in the near future."

He didn't say whether this bar would be high or low. I'm really hoping for low. Come on Volition, what have you got that's more gross than the shit-spraying lorry. There's no web presence for the game yet, and certainly no screenshots. Do hurry up. Ooh, I want to play some Saints Row 2 now.

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